Paris – Rest / Sight seeing day. 0 miles. Our bikes rested overnight in the hotels atriam outside our bedroom. On arrival despite the perfect English email with acknowledgment of us having to store two bikes, it turns out no one thought to tell reception where that might be. They do provide a talking point […]
Category: Uncategorised
Cycling Day 6 Sacred intervention.
Villennes-sur-Seine – Notre-Dame Paris 27 miles plus 5 The day started uneventfully. We declined breakfast at the hotel with the intention of finding a cafe on route. We decided not to try and find ‘The’ Avenue Vert but follow the Garmin. The French bureaucrat who uploaded this Garmin route obviously knew Paris well as the […]
Cycling Day 3 Espionage a foot.
Quiberville -Dieppe – Neufchatel en bray 35 miles. Today we complete the last section of the coastal cycleway called veĺo route du littoral along the coast to Dieppe and then turn towards Paris on the Avenue Vert. I did this part of the ride with the Dynosorearse group several years ago and was impressed with […]
Cycling Day 2 Stairway to heaven
Fecamp to Quiberville. 35 miles plus 6. After refusing madam’s breakfast in favour of a cafe on route we visit the supermarket for water, pate, fruit, and bread for lunch. We commence the long climb out of Fecamp with its lovely views of the town. Just at the steepest point it starts to rain. Luckily […]
Cycling Day 0 Whats wrong with us?
We parked in the same dubious looking car park in Portsmouth and did the short cycle ride to the ferry check-in. After checking our passports madam took a second look at the two of us on our bikes and asked if we really needed the wheelchair access cabin that I had booked. It was difficult […]
Cycling France 2019
Ed and retired compatriot Sue are preparing for the off tomorrow. Bikes being serviced, equipment identified, magic creams located and panniers packed. I wonder what they will contain this year? Tomorrow morning it is off to Portsmouth to park the car then onto two wheels for the short cycle to the ferry port.
This will be the new blog location
You can follow Ed and the newly to be retired compatriot in August.
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