Month: May 2022

Cycling the Camino Way Day 7

Palas de Rei to Santiago de Compostela. We have an early start for the last long day cycling to our final destination Santiago de Compostela. This is another off road section of the Camino Way. My compatriot is not enjoying the steep up and down hill on gravel after seeing someone come off their bike […]

Cycling the Camino Way Day 6

Sarria to Palas de Rei. The day started much as any other day, but little did we know the excitement to come. My compatriot set off cycling with the group, and I was relegated to the van for the first 11k due to the leader worrying that with my wheezing chest I might expire on […]

Cycling the Camino Way day 5

O Cebreiro to Sarria. Another civilised start at 9am with great views and with a chilly and misty start. The first down hill ride was, as ever, followed by a lot going up hill. I am still suffering with my post Covid cough and continue to wheeze as I try to breath. The guide took […]

Cycling the Camino Way Day 4

Molinaseca to O Cebreiro. Today starts with an early breakfast. I suggest to Alphonso that I am the back marker today so I can travel at my own pace. The first 53k are undulating, and the last 7k is a long very steep hill. When they say undulating it sounds a pleasant description of the […]

Cycling the Camino Way Day 3

Astorga to Molinaseca. We have a very civilised 9am start today. With the first stage of our cycle involving trying to find our way out through the town. We pass various cyclists and walkers (pilgrims) many of whom probably set off before we were even awake. Todays ride is now uphill all the way and […]

Cycling the Camino Way Day 2

Leon to Astorga. This morning starts with our guide Alfonso issuing us with our bikes, He also provides us with a leaflet on how to ride it, and his telephone number if we get lost. After making various adjustments and repeating, yet again, how the gears work to my compatriot I.e.  three gears on the […]

Cycling the Camino Way Day 1

Gatwick to Leon Spain. On the drive to the airport there are a number of road works that reduce the motorway to one lane and finally cause the closure of the M25. How grateful we were it was early hours of the morning, as negotiating the diversion would have been a nightmare in daylight hours. […]

Cycling the Camino Way Day 0

Droitwich Spa to Gatwick. This trip was planned for Covid year. It was intended to be a self organised event, however, several years older, a little heavier, and with the uncertain Covid restrictions, we have decided to go on an organised trip. We leave tomorrow on a very inconvenient 06:20 flight from Gatwick. This requires […]