Sods law, we awoke at 06:30 with nothing booked to do until this afternoon. We have a view of the river from our bedroom and slept well with no clatter of wheels on tracks.
Breakfast is taken on a cool veranda with a nice view and light breeze.

After breakfast, we take a walk along a riverside path called “Explorers Path,” with regular warnings about getting too close to the water as there are hippos and crocodiles lurking in the river. At the end of the path, we found the pizza restaurant. Well, if you have to explore the wilds and find something, a restaurant and bar does it for me.
The rest of the day was spent by the pool until we needed to get ready to go out on a steam train for our evening meal.

This evenings entertainment and meal is on the old steam train to Victoria Falls. It is on the original line and bridge that was financed by Cecil Rhodes and that he had planned would go from Cape Town to North Africa. However, he died before the bridge over the Zambize was completed.

After a stop to photograph the engine and Victoria Falls, along with a retail opportunity for Sue to purchase a wooden elephant, a rino, and two hippos, don’t ask why, we then returned to the train. We had a five course dinner with as much wine as you could drink in the four hours before we returned to our starting point. We have an early morning start tomorrow, so we shall see how we get on!
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