Month: November 2019

Day 17 The Italian Job

Alarm goes off at 5am and we are on the road by 5:45 in the dark and rain towards the Tunnel. The aim is to arrive before the designated 10:30 and get an earlier crossing if possible. We arrive just after 09:00 and pull up to a booth. As I am booking in there is […]

Day 16 The Italian Job

An exciting start to the day with two police vehicles outside reception and a ruckus on the first floor. This then ended outside the dinning room while we were trying to have breakfast with the police holding two men on the floor. It was rumoured to be to do with some prostitues not being paid. […]

Day 15 Italian Job

An early start today as we are driving through Switzerland to France on our way back towards London. The first challenge of the day was getting out of Turin in the rush hour. I made almost all the same mistakes I made last year. With a few near misses and U turns we eventually made […]