African Tour Day 12

We were serenaded to sleep last night by the frogs singing before all to soon the 6:30 alarm called. Maybe we wish we had not taken advantage of the unlimited wine on last night’s train adventure, but neither of us would admit it.

This morning, a walking tour of Victoria Falls is planned for us. We are issued with a bottle of water and a poncho, and then we are taken by the coach to the entrance of the park around the viewing points. During the ride, we were given some historical and geographical information about the falls. The African name for this natural wonder of the world is Mosi-oa-Tunya.

On arrival, we start walking the various foot paths that give views of the 1.7k length of the falls. The views are stunning, and the sound of the water crashing over the rocks was deafening.

The positive side of this walk is that we have never seen so many rainbows. The negative is that the ponchos we had been issued with are not waterproof,  however, at least it is warm, and after getting soaked, we quickly dry out.

On our return to the hotel, we strip off and hang everything on the rooms balcony so they finish  drying before we go to spend a few hours by the pool

In the late afternoon, we set off for a cruise on the Zambize. After all our game drives, we are a bit blasé about the birds and the odd hippo head we see along the way. We are sitting on deck in the late afternoon sun with G&Ts that are topped up as soon as the glass is empty, all served with finger food snacks.

On the red carpet

The cruise stopped on the Zimbabwe side of the river for sunset pictures before turning us back to the lodge so we could complete our packing for tomorrow’s journey.