Month: February 2024

African Tour Day 3

We are woken up by the alarm and finish packing and have breakfast before our transfer to the airport for travel up country. Sue’s clothes have put on weight as they are now 4kg over the flight weight. We leave the hotel on the coach at 08:00 and get to the Airport in 30 mins. […]

African Tour Day 2

We were up before the alarm for a tour of the vineyards. There is another letter under the door. Our transfer departure tomorrow is now 8 am. After breakfast, we catch the courtesy bus to the waterfront, but ask our very obliging driver to drop us off where we are due to meet our tour. […]

African Tour Day 1.

We were awake early after an early night last night. No late night shows or cocktail parties on tap. We now have to fend for ourselves. A letter has been pushed under our door saying our pick up on the 4th is at 12:45, however an email sent to us two days ago said our […]

QM2 Cruise Day 22

The final curtain. We get up and finish packing our carry-on bags or should that be carry-off-bags. Looking from our balcony I can see over 1000 peoples main luggage being placed on the dockside ready for collection. We head off to the buffet for coffee and breakfast before departing for the gangway at our allocated […]

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