Day 6 The Italian Job

The day started as normal until my compatriot asked what day it was. I looked at my watch and wondered if she was losing it. My watch said Monday the 20th. Unfortunately it was Monday the 21st which is my compatriots 65th birthday, so actually the day did not start well. I scrambled in the […]

Day 5 The Italian Job

The navigational rally begins around the local area. The day started with me giving the van a 1000 mile service, and my compatriot cleaned it. We attended a briefing and prepared the information to leave for the navigational rally at 30 second intervals. I had calculated our start time as 12:30 and 30 seconds. This […]

Day 4 The Italian Job

Munich to Imola 370 miles. A long 9 hour day through the Alps on the Brennon Pass. The first challenge was getting out of the hotels underground car park. Minimal headroom for a Thames van, and a right angle turn at the bottom of very steep ramp. Just made it up by slipping the cluch […]

Day 3 The Italian Job

Nurburg ring to Munich 350 miles A later start today after wrestling the coffee machine in the room with German instructions, and then cleaning up the mess. We stopped to watch a touring car event on the track which had started at first light, so no one needed an alarm. I left the carpark by […]

Day 2 The Italian Job

Folkstone to Munich 350 miles We arose after the fitful nights sleep, made a coffee, and left for the Chunnel. Of course we knew the way having visited it last night due to a navigational error. It was great to meet up in the car park with all the other Jobbers. Euro Tunnel looked after […]

Day 1 The Italian Job

Droitwich to Folkstone. In addition to this blog written by Ed. His newly retired, and always on holiday compatriot Sue, will be using Polar Steps. This App, in addition to having her account of the trip illustrated with photos, tracks our progress on a map. This is a link to use in your browser or […]

Cycling Day 19 Rain Rain go away

Mont St Michelle – Cancale 28 miles plus 4. It has been raining all night and the weather forecast says dry by 10:00. This forecast kept changing so by 10:00 we decide to tog up and set off. The rain was heavy and unrelenting but, believe it or not, it is not unpleasant with the […]

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