Domfront – St Hilaire-du-Harcourt 19 miles plus 19. The sky does not look as wild as yesterday and the traffic free route starts opposite our hotel all the way to tonights destination. This bodes well for day 17, especially as my compatriot has returned her sun top to the bottom of her pannier. This is […]
Cycling Day 16 Screw loose.
Bagnoles-de-L Orne – Domfront 13 Miles plus 3 Only a short day to day. Domfront is an interesting town which we passed through last year on the south to north La Velo Franchette route. We are making an exception and we are returning to a hotel that we stayed in then. It had an open […]
Cycling Day 15 What’s wrong with the British.
Alencon – Bagnoles-de-L Orne 32 Miles While trying to find the restaurant last night we saw an event at the corn market. There were a number of old American army vehicles with people dressed in military outfits such as American soldiers, French Foreign legionaires, and old soldiers. They were celebrating 75 years since the liberation […]
Cycling Day 14 Mud larks
Mortagne-au-Perche – Alencon 33 Miles minus 10 At breakfast we had table mats featuring Du Tour De France. The Logis hotel chain were offering a competition, with the prize being an opportunity to attend ‘Du Tour’. Fortunatly we are not on the same route so we have missed that opportunity, but maybe we will consider […]
Cycling Day 13 It’ll be alright on the night.
Nogent-au-Rotrou – Mortagne-au-Perche 22 miles plus 6. Woke up this morning, the wind has dropped, the washing is dry, and there is the smell of coffee in the air. What more could you want on the 13th day of a cycling holiday? Sunshine perhaps, but at least there is definitely no rain.The first 5 miles […]
Cycling Day 12 Double Dutch
Illiers-Combray – Nogent-au-Rotrou 26 miles plus 2 As we sit eating breakfast in the hotel the Dutch cyclist from last night come to say goodbye. They have decided to turn back because of the headwind. They were planning a longer circular ride, but will go back to Chartres, to see the light show, that they […]
Cycling Day 11 What’s wrong with the accommodation?
Chartres – Illiers-Combray 20 miles plus 3 I awoke in the night to the sound of heavy rain. I go back to sleep hoping that perhaps it will pass over by morning. I wake up in the morning and the rain is still there. I looked at the BBC weather and the report is that […]
Cycling Day 10 Where should we go?
Rambouillet – Chartres 33 miles plus 5 We start with a walk down the cobbled high street of Rambouillet to the supermarket and visit a cafe for breakfast. Garmin is refusing to calculate the route this morning so he is switched off as the signage appears to be quite good and takes us through the […]
Cycling Day 9 Planning is everything.
Limours – Rambouillet 20 miles plus 7. It has been dry overnight and today’s weather forecast shows no sign of rain after 9am. The mileage on some of our days is shorter than on others which allows us time to look around the various places of interest. I would like to say this was all […]
Cycling Day 8 On the road again.
Paris – Limours 23 Miles Plus 4 Today we set off on the Veloscenic cycle route towards Mont St Michelle. We have to navigate out of Paris with its one way systems, diversions and weekday traffic. For those worried about real maps I have a book on the Veloscenic route, with maps, places of interest […]
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