Day 4 Marseillan to Poihes 31 Miles running total 60 miles. Here is todays route After breakfast on the patio in the sunshine we bid farewell to our hosts Steve & Phill. With all the panniers on our bikes, we set off along the Canal du Midi. It is Saturday, and the towpath is […]
The Final 60’s Tour
Day 3 Bikes reunited. 29.6 miles Sadly, an overcast day after travelling in hot bright sunshine yesterday. After petit dejeuner or breakfast on the patio to those not on the crash Babel french course. The first job is to sort out panniers and reassemble our bikes. Have they survived the DHL experience? Steve and Phil, […]
The Final 60’s Tour
Day 2 Gatwick to Marseillan. This is going to be another day of back packing, or should I say pannier carrying. First, an early start for the flight to Montpellier We think we passed over where we are aiming for, but we forgot to pack the parachute. All that fragile tape and plastic must have […]
The Final 60’s Tour
Day 1 Home to Gatwick Airport We are off by various means of transport other than a bike! First to Portsmouth by car which is abandoned (I mean parked c/o Just Park App) 10 mins from the ferry port we will return to. But it is a 40min walk to the train station carrying two […]
The Final 60’s Tour
This is a cycling journey from Sete in the south of France to Caen in the North. A journey of around 900 miles to be completed before Ed has his 70th birthday. My compatriot wants it noted this does not apply to her. This adventure started months ago sorting out the logistics, partly thwarted by […]
Cycling the Camino Way Day 7
Palas de Rei to Santiago de Compostela. We have an early start for the last long day cycling to our final destination Santiago de Compostela. This is another off road section of the Camino Way. My compatriot is not enjoying the steep up and down hill on gravel after seeing someone come off their bike […]
Cycling the Camino Way Day 6
Sarria to Palas de Rei. The day started much as any other day, but little did we know the excitement to come. My compatriot set off cycling with the group, and I was relegated to the van for the first 11k due to the leader worrying that with my wheezing chest I might expire on […]
Cycling the Camino Way day 5
O Cebreiro to Sarria. Another civilised start at 9am with great views and with a chilly and misty start. The first down hill ride was, as ever, followed by a lot going up hill. I am still suffering with my post Covid cough and continue to wheeze as I try to breath. The guide took […]
Cycling the Camino Way Day 4
Molinaseca to O Cebreiro. Today starts with an early breakfast. I suggest to Alphonso that I am the back marker today so I can travel at my own pace. The first 53k are undulating, and the last 7k is a long very steep hill. When they say undulating it sounds a pleasant description of the […]
Cycling the Camino Way Day 3
Astorga to Molinaseca. We have a very civilised 9am start today. With the first stage of our cycle involving trying to find our way out through the town. We pass various cyclists and walkers (pilgrims) many of whom probably set off before we were even awake. Todays ride is now uphill all the way and […]
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