The Final 60’s Tour

Day 4 Marseillan to Poihes 31 Miles running total 60 miles.

Here is todays route

After breakfast on the patio in the sunshine we bid farewell to our hosts Steve & Phill.

Selfie by Ed instructions by Sue which explains everything.

With all the panniers on our bikes, we set off along the Canal du Midi. It is Saturday, and the towpath is both busy and gravelly. The first 10 miles through the natural park is interesting and scenic, but the surface is rough, and so the first part of the day was hard going.

The historic canal structure is interesting as it has to negotiate different rivers and levels. Many boat pass us or are moored along the way.

Taken from the aqueduct.

It is a nice sunny day, and my compatriot is getting the look of a lobster. There was nowhere for shade or refreshments on route until we came across a massive Le Boat hire base on a turnaround day (Busmans holiday) It has a buzzing restaurant full of French families out for lunch next to it. We secured a table in the shade and decided to ignore the apple and orange we have been carrying for lunch and ordered salads and a carafe of wine. The apple and orange can wait for another day.

The route is well signed with a variable surface. We arrive in Poihes around 4 pm and discover we can’t get into the accommodation until after 5 pm. It is a small place, and using Google, we locate two bars. We go to both bars, which although Google says they are open, they aren’t. My compatriot sees a sign saying Libre Service, which we follow, and we find a small shop with a couple of tables and chairs outside. Inside, they have some cold local craft beers, and we pass an hour going in and out of the shop topping ourselves up. Just after 5 p.m. we go back to the accommodation and are let in and guided up several spiral staircases to our room for the night. Cycling, wine, and beers make this a challenge, and Madam offers to help carry the panniers.

After a shower (my compatriot now looks less like a lobster and more like a zebra with wide stripes). A chineese laundry session started as we think we can dry the washing in a window with a rail and good airflow. We decide we needed to explore the closed restaurants, and were relieved to be able to secure a table in the only one that was open. Well it is Saturday night in France!

After a good meal and wine, we staggered up the spiral staircase to get ready for another day.