Blaye to Conac 32 miles Running total 431 Here is todays route.
We are now on the northern side of the river Garonne. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the rain showers on my weather app miss us. At least we are starting off in sunshine on a tarmacadam, disused railway track. At the start some railway tracks and railway signs remain beside the cycleway.

We are again passing many vineyards and beautiful wine chataux. We will be looking carefully at the labels of future Bordeaux wines to see if we recognise any as we quaff them.

At the end of the disused railway, it starts to shower, and we are able to divert into a small town for coffee and some shopping while we wait for the shower to pass. We are only buying essential provisions, and my compatriot has to restrain herself due to a lack of space in her panniers.

Lunch is a picnic under a tree outside a church to shelter from another shower. We have started to try and identify the trees we stand under. We think we have sheltered under oak, beech, and lime today.

The afternoon was a mixture of different landscapes and cycleways. Drained marsh with grazing cattle and as we cycle along we are exposed to the elements, with no trees to hide under, so our ride involves a mixture of getting wet and then drying out in the sun. We cycled along the side of the Garonne Estuary with its carrelet fishing huts and then through miles of wheat fields,

Why did the chicken cross the road, or in fact, why did the goat, coypu, weasel, snail, and red squirrel cross the road? The answer is because we saw them all today. Along with various birds of prey.

There is a very small human population in this area and even fewer cafes and restaurants, so it is a take it or leave it meal at our accommodation tonight. Again, we were not disappointed.
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