The Final 60’s Tour

Flers to Thury-Harcourt 37 miles Running total 921 miles 

Here is todays route.

We set off on another lovely sunny day in Normandy. Our first stop is a cafe within 100 yards of the apartment, so we can have a coffee French style on the pavement in the early morning sun. Our second stop is 7 miles outside Flers at another cafe where we stop for an orange juice. We are back on roads with hills and my compatriot said she felt a bit strange at the top of one. I made no comment but thought an early stop might be a good idea.

I had a word with Garmin last night, and it is giving directions again this morning. However, the noise on my bike that WD40 cured yesterday has come back.

We have noticed the lack of Boulangeries and Tabacs in villages, which seem to be replaced by baguette machines. What is the world coming to.

We have seen more groups of cyclists today than any other day. While chatting with another couple from Canada, they explained that people like them, and us, are referred to as “Grey Nomads” because of our ability to travel a lot in our older years.

The terrain has changed today, and we are cycling through forests, valleys, and hills. We are mainly on roads which are hilly and harder going than we’ve become used to. But the bonus is the views and down hills. After 27 miles, we come across another cycleway on an old railway and my compatriot takes a rest before we tackle the last few miles.

The cycleway passes an outdoor education facility, and we could see youngsters canoeing, climbing, orienteering, and abseiling from the old railway bridge.

Advert for adventure centre

The last few miles pass an old mine in Saint Remy and a castle, all of which give us interesting views.

Old Mine in Saint Remy
Chateau Harcourt

After a short disorientated walk around the town pushing the bikes, we find our hotel. The doors are closed and not due to open until 4 pm. We are 15 minutes early and sit at a table and chairs outside. The church bells ring at 4 pm, but nothing happens. At 4:20, the doors open, and we are let in. This is our final hotel stay of the trip. Once the washing is done, we head out for the customary beer and then the restaurant.