This morning starts with breakfast followed by an inspection of the exhaust system, which has developed a worrying rattle that is getting worse since being grounded a number of times. It is probably all those meals weighing the mini suspension down. A bit of brute forces gets it straight again thanks to the service team.

With the exhaust bent back into place, we head off through more stunning countryside to a castle with vineyards where we have an introduction into the production of Chianti. The route sounds easy, but there were a few deviations from the route book to challenge us.

The purchase of this castle had been crowd funded and restored to its original splendour by 1,600 owners, a first for Italy. It even had its own small theatre and scumbeling everywhere, giving a marble effect. Look that up if you don’t know what it is.

After another delicious lunch, we headed back to Siena, not necessarily by the designated route. Firstly, towards Florence, and then after turning around, we headed towards Siena, then via the wrong way up a one-way street. We are not sure who was most surprised, the van coming towards us on our side of the road, or the driver. It is now time to switch the satnav on and get back to the hotel.
With two timed stages today, and yet again no scores are published. Normally we know we will be at the bottom, but we are hopeful of an improvement, so the suspense is killing.
We walk from the hotel to find some Italian ice cream which we fancied, but with all the meals definitely did not need. Then yet another four course meal with good company before heading to bed.
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