Day 12 Asti or is it Cushsti?

We started earlier than needed this morning and slowly made our way to the lunchtime meet-up up in the hills of Piemonte. We again need to arrive at a finish line at exactly 12:38:30. On this occasion we think we smashed it, but we will see what the timekeeper thinks when the scores are posted.

The terrain on this drive was different from that we had experienced in the south. Less rugged, but with small and interesting roads. Karma has returned to the car. During Friday the 13th, my compatriot decided she had had enough of Italian roads and my navigation. We have swapped roles, and now we make less navigational errors and arrive everywhere on time.

Todays rendezvous was a vineyard. We had a lovely buffet lunch followed by a tour of the vineyard and cellars. We were even given a bottle of wine to leave with, along with directions to the shop to purchase more.

After our vineyard tour, there is another timed stage to be completed in exactly 61 seconds. We set off like a bat out of hell down the winding dirt track only to arrive at the timing point in less than 30 seconds. As you are not allowed to stop in a special stage, we had to try to creep very slowly for the last few yards to reach the timing line at exactly the 61 second time. We think we did it or were very closeĆ².

Then we had to follow the road book back to the Lingotto building containing the hotel. On the motorway, I realised the indicators were not working and carefully drove to a garage where we could refuel and check the fault. After a quick diagnosis, it was simples, I must have knocked the hazard light switch half on, which cut the individual indicators out. Once the switch was reset, everything worked, and we continued through the Turin traffic.

Another group meal and late night in the bar, this is becoming a habit.