QM2 Cruise Day 7

The alam went off this morning because I forgot to cancel it. Although it has been a pleasant temperature since the Canary Islands, it was nice to see the sun shining.

We just made breakfast in time in the main restaurant. Shortly after we were served food an emergency exercise started so almost all the waiters disappeared to take part. There was a simulated fire in a restaurant galley, followed by a general evacuation ready to abandon ship. Guests were not required to take part and just ignore the crew in their life jackets and cold weather clothes in 25 degrees.

We went up on deck so Sue could cook by the pool. I sat in the shade for a while before retreating to the seclusion of our cabin balcony. Fortunately for Sue who had forgotten her key, Roger the cabin boy, actually called Ernest had not closed the door properly or she may have been out there until I came in from the balcony.

We attended a lecture on the history of fairy tales, not my thing so I had an hours doze but did not snore. The rest of the day was spent reading, eating and drinking before we went to the late show The Rat Pack” and then the bar for a folk duo.