QM2 Cruise Day 13

The clocks changed again last night, but our phones do not follow ships’ time. The result is that our alarm does not go off at the correct time, so we had a rush to get to the first presentation, which was about Cape Town. Although we will not be going on the ships’ organised excursions, we wanted to have an idea of what we would like to do while there.

We have a quick buffet breakfast and a coffee before going to dancing lessons. It is the tango today, and we made a better effort, but this success prompted Sue to ask how much private lessons would cost.

Fortunately, I had another presentation I wanted to see by the Astronomy & Astrophysics lecturer called” Bang! There goes the planet. ” So, I did not await the outcome of the discussion about private dance lessons.

At midday every day, a member of crew rings the ships bell, and the captain gives a navigational update announcement.

The Astronomy & Astrophysics lecturer fried our brains, but not to be deterred, we stayed for the next lecture in psychology called ” Inside the mind of Marilyn Monroe.” This was really interesting and dispelled a lot of the conspiracy theories.

After all that culture and education, I needed a drink and some sustenance. We went to the board walk cafe and bar. It was windy but warm and we noticed not many people were eating and drinking, we were later than usual so maybe they had all finished. We went into the galley to choose a salad and glass of wine. On our return to a table in the sun, our lettuce and sald started disappearing from the plate, and the plastic wine glasses started travelling across the table. We ate quickly, trying to shield the plate from the wind and keep one hand on the glass.

We decided to look for the cabin that we had booked for next year, as it is on the board walk level. It is in a great position just behind the bridge, but it could be a mistake because I have discovered there is a help yourself, Mr. Wippy Ice Cream machine in the cafe on this level.

Tonight is the masquerade ball, so we retired to our current cabin to prepare.

Some look better than others. A great night was had by all.