QM2 Cruise Day 15

We slept in this morning and consequently missed breakfast in all the venues. The benefit is that we found another venue that serves coffee and pastries until midday.

Following this very pleasant find, and having refuelled ourselves, we head for the ballroom for the Cha Cha Cha dance class.  We endure another painful but funny hour on the dance floor with Sue convinced we are getting better. Filled with all this success, we head to the chart room for a midday G&T to celebrate before we head in for lunch.

Our three course lunch was followed with a bit of culture. We went to the theatre for a classical piano recital with music to be performed by four hands. I was disappointed that the pianist was not a mutant but was, in fact, two pianists. They were, however, very entertaining.

Following another G&T and the glass of wine we had with the lunch we definitely didn’t need, and the bit of culture, we walked another mile and a half around-the-deck, although our pace was a bit faster today. The walk would have been a mile had I entered by the correct door and not had to walk the length of the ship to return to our cabin.

It is warm but a bit windy today so lots of the sun beds are available on the port side.

I have worked out why long-distance cruisers have three suitcases. They have three sizes of clothes because mine are definitely getting tighter, and we still have another three weeks to go.

The evening starts as it often does in the Chart Room working our way through the cocktail menu book. Sue’s favourite is a Gin Martini with olives. I am not sure if she thinks she is James Bond or Miss Moneypenny.

Tonight is scheduled as a celebration of Burns night with Haggis and a Scottish themed menu. It is complimented with an address to the Haggis, various Scottish poems, and a Ceilildh. Amazing what you will do when an event is free and you have nothing better to do.

The best piper and address to the Haggis I have heard is provided by an ex Scots guard piper who is also a passenger, along with his wife who reads an appropriate poem. Could have only been bettered if it was a very inappropriate poem!

All this is topped off by the late night show with a performance by a virtuoso flautist.

We are not allowed to photograph in the show.

We were a bit unsure about this, but, as with all the entertainment we were not disappointed.