QM2 Cruise Day 16

The alam awoke us, so we were ready to attend a talk on Cape Town. We had no time for breakfast, but after yesterday’s mutiple meals, it will not be missed.

We must have worked up an apatite sitting in the theatre because we went straight to the coffee and pastries lounge before heading for our morning punishment, the Waltz.

The trouble with this ship is that there are too many full-length mirrors to highlight what a good time you must be having. So a walk up 10 decks is called for. This is followed by a lunch of fruit and juice. We then walked six laps of the deck, which is two miles. I hope this health kick doesn’t last!

After our walk, we attended a talk on wildlife artists where we were given the opportunity to purchase some artwork. They never miss a trick. As this was held in the same part of the ship where afternoon tea is also served, and we were not in the market for art, well not at their prices, we sat and waited to be served tea. I am pleased to announce that the short-lived health kick is over!

We retired to our cabin for a rest before embarking on our usual cocktail quest, followed by dinner.

Then off to the country and western late night show. We can’t complain it is not various entertainment.