QM2 Cruise Day 19

We get up early again today, at 7 am, ready for breakfast before our trip ashore. At 7:30, we bowled down to the dining room to discover the restaurant was empty. This is when we checked the programme and found it does not open until 8 am. So we set off back up 5 floors to the buffet restaurant to get a coffee while we wait before going back down 5 floors to breakfast. We were put on a table where the other guests took so long to order, with every one of them going off piste, so our breakfast did not arrive before we needed to leave. Hey, ho, we don’t need the calories.

We set off on a township tour at 9.00 am. feeling that we’d been up for hours. Our trip starts with a drive around the highlights of Port Elizabeth town centre followed by visits to the various housing estates and shanty towns. It might not sound it, but it was interesting, hearing about the history of Sourh Africa before, during, and after apartheid.

It was strange that all the time we travelled around Port Elizabeth, we could see the ship in the distance.

The afternoon was spent eating (catching up on a missed breakfast) and resting in the sun.

We spent another evening in the Chart Room with a few cocktails and then on to dinner with good company. I’m not sure what they all thought of us. Then, we go onto the late night show (well 10pm)  followed by dancing to three of the four “Ds” till late.