Cycling Day 8 On the road again.

Paris – Limours 23 Miles Plus 4

Today we set off on the Veloscenic cycle route towards Mont St Michelle. We have to navigate out of Paris with its one way systems, diversions and weekday traffic.

For those worried about real maps I have a book on the Veloscenic route, with maps, places of interest and a lot more. However, it was Garmin that got us through the first hectic 3 miles of the journey.

The thought of trying to navigate with the detailed maps, look for the correct signs, and avoid Parisian drivers would not have been pleasant.

I have also not mentioned to my compatrot that tonight’s accommodation is a few miles off the route, but looked an interesting place to stay. The weather forecast is not good today with rain expected at about 2pm.

After the first 3 miles cycling in traffic we soon find our way onto cycleways shared only with pedestrians and separated from the traffic. At 7 miles we enter a pleasant linear park which takes us out of Paris. After travelling along a few hilly roads we eventually transfer onto a disused railway which has the advantage of bridging some of the valleys.

Along this section of the route we pass through some light showers, and receive a message from the owner at tonight’s accommodation. They ask for our ETA and also enquire if we would like dinner at the villa? We answer their message and confirm we would like to take up the offer of dinner.

We continue on our journey and while the route is not well sign posted we eventually come to an old railway line. We quickly learn that this stretch of track had been, in the 1960’s, the test base for the Aero train.

We were pleased to be riding on a relatively smooth, straight cycle way and soon arrived in Limours where the sky was turning very grey. Having missed lunch today we decided to find a cafe for a drink and if possible a snack. The bar we found appeared deserted until my Compatriot lured the owner from his hiding place at the back of the bar and ordered drinks as food was clearly not available.

As we paid the bill the grey sky turned black and the heavens opened. We quickly put on waterproofs and risked the ride towards our final destination.

As the rain fell we cycled furiously hoping to out run the storm. But nature got the better of us and the rain fell heavier. Fortunately we happened upon a row of bus shelters, all deserted, and so we sheltered here optimistically believing the rain would ease. We were wrong and the rain continued falling. Eventually we decided, as Google told us we were 10 minutes from our home for the night, to make a dash for it.

We followed Googles instructions and set off through the rain and puddles. Thankfully on this occasion our route was straightforward and we arrived at La Villa Rochette bedraggled but smiling. Madame greeted us with an umbrella but quickly realised it would be wasted on us and kept it for herself but, not until she offered to take all our wet clothes to dry in her kitchen.

After a hot shower all was well and we rewarded ourselves with wine and a delicious meal.

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