Cycling Day 12 Double Dutch

Illiers-Combray – Nogent-au-Rotrou 26 miles plus 2

As we sit eating breakfast in the hotel the Dutch cyclist from last night come to say goodbye. They have decided to turn back because of the headwind. They were planning a longer circular ride, but will go back to Chartres, to see the light show, that they missed the night before.

The headwind makes it slow going this morning although the sunny spells are a welcome addition today. I could almost claim the shorter days were planned to allow for this wind and weather.

The route today deviates through some very pretty villages where the inhabitants have made the most of the cycle theme with bicycles used to display flowers.

My compatriots pannier has given up the fight to retain what she is stuffing into it. The zip has gone and we have resorted to using some Velcro strips I have to stop her leaving a trail of clothes and chemist products littering the French roads.

It has been a battle to cycle into the headwind all the way today and it is quite hilly too, although the scenery has been stunning from the ridges that we have travelled along. With the strength of the gusty winds we are glad we are not at sea on a ferry.

At Nogent – au – Rotrou we arrive in the village square to find, thank goodness, our typically French hotel looking a bit tired but more than adequate for one night. My compatriot is tired as well and collapses in the reception chair while Madam and I lock the bikes away.

We might as well make use of the window balcony and the wind we have been fighting, so open the Chinese laundry again.

The rest of the afternoon is spent exploring the town on a bar crawl / restaurant inspection. The town is bigger than expected. Most owners of restaurants appear to be on holiday judging by the notices in the window. Out of several Pizza restaurants and a newly opened India restauant we choose Indian food.

We were second into the restaurant and suddenly it fills up. We had a fixed meal menu with starters and main arriving quite promptly but then the waitress disappears. A chef suddenly appears and starts running around doing the waiting and various French couples, tired of waiting, leave. We were just about to join them when our desert arrived. I could not be bothered to wait for the bill and card machine so worked out what I thought we owed and handed in the cash as we left. I did not hear shouting so they must have been happy.

Tomorrow is a short day of about 22 miles but the weather forecast is unsettled. We seemed to have had better weather than the UK but will see what happens tommorow!

2 comments on Cycling Day 12 Double Dutch

  1. Well weather here very varied but managed to do bbq for grandkids and eat outside just before the heavens opened I’m now exhausted so can’t imagine how you two feel !! Xxx

  2. Which grandchildren have you had with you? Thank goodness today we have avoided rain and I hope we can avoid it again tomorrow. Are you able to collect the harvest from our garden?
    Have a good week.
    Sue x

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