Day 2 The Italian Job

Folkstone to Munich 350 miles

We arose after the fitful nights sleep, made a coffee, and left for the Chunnel. Of course we knew the way having visited it last night due to a navigational error.

It was great to meet up in the car park with all the other Jobbers. Euro Tunnel looked after us with coffee and bacon sandwiches. The press and TV were there and I was interviewed as the one and only Dormobile, and the oldest vehicle, and possibly oldest Jobber, taking part. A red, blue and white mini cooper, followed by the Thames van were selected to lead everyone onto the train for the cameras.

Through the Tunnel and off onto the French motorways following the satnav. It was strange that we went into the tunnel with the fuel gauge showing a full tank and then the needle disappeared with no reading. Had some undersea monster syphoned it out? I looked underneath and there was no fuel gushing out so concluded it must be the gauge at fault. I spent some of the train journey studying the wiring diagram in the manual and using a mirror and torch to check the wiring under the dash with no success. We took the mileage and added 170 mile so I knew when to refuel. As we set off from the train suddenly the needle reappeared and the gauge was working again. Is this the equivalent of the Bermuda triangle but only the fuel disappears! Other than this mystery, no navigational errors, 350 miles at 50 mph between lorries, and the van did not miss a beat, it was almost boring.

We arrived at the Nurburg Ring hotel in the dark and drizzle after a 7.5 hour drive. In the pit stop bar, full of racing memorabilia, we met team 52, Kevin and Jackie for a drink and meal. During this my compatriot and Kevin compared the route on their Polar steps respectively. Kevin’s was a true representation of the journey. My compatriots was a straight line looking like we had flown here as she had not kept her data running, She then spent time trying to redraw her route by copying Kevin’s which did not improve matters. My compatriot is taking her duties very casually now she is retired. Maybe tomorrow she will do a better job!

2 comments on Day 2 The Italian Job

  1. Do you think that your fuel gauge was being affected by the backstop but luckily a deal was done whilst under the sea so all ok now

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