Day 10 The Italian Job

A very early start to head south towards Napoli to be at a Palace by 09:30.

We did the checks on the van and programmed the Satnav last night ready for the early start.

When we were awoken by the alarm at 5am. I discovered I had succumbed to a bug going round. The long drive did nothing to improve it.

When we left the motorway at Naples we were met by the local mini club who gave direction to the piazza in front of the palace. This was normally closed to all vehicles and special permission had been obtained. We were all asked to put something under the cars to avoid leaving oil stains. As we drove out I noticed lots of pools of oil so I suspect this will not be repeated.

The palace was stunning and the garden so large we hired bikes to get around it. Then we were led to a rather posh hotel for lunch with the Italian mini enthusiasts. Gifts were exchanged although I had a doze in the van while my compatriot represented us. Then we all set off back to Rome. The journey in the morning was in the dark. On the return journey we saw Vesuvius and some beautiful countryside.