Alarm goes off at 5am and we are on the road by 5:45 in the dark and rain towards the Tunnel. The aim is to arrive before the designated 10:30 and get an earlier crossing if possible. We arrive just after 09:00 and pull up to a booth. As I am booking in there is a knock on the passenger window and a fellow jobber, Max, says my mini has run out of petrol in the next booth. I say push it through and I have a can of petrol. The official says if it won’t drive through it does not go through. I complete my booking and pull out the way. Run back to the mini with petrol, but, because the filler and spout are not compatable I only manage to get about 1/3 of a gallon in with a struggle.
It starts and gets through the barrier. We agree to meet at the parking to try to get some more in. However, we are sent down different lanes, but I understand they made it to the first garage in the UK.
We are straight onto a train and while crossing my compatriot and I scramble over the engine between the seats. It was easier when we last did this in the 70’s, and made passionate love. Sorry got carried away with the 70’s, and, sorted out the dirty washing so we only had to carry the essentials for the black tie dinner in the hotel tonight.
The drive from Folkestone to London was horrendous. High winds and driving rain, and traffic, saw us pushed all over the road.
We arrived safely and after being sent down a ramp to park and almost ending up in the function room, only stopping a foot short of the carpet. Then having to reverse up the steep narrow winding ramp.
Eventually an alternative parking spot was found for us and the service van at the side of the hotel.
First stop the bar for a drink and sandwich, then up to the room for a snooze, and to get ready for the evening.
The gala evening was great with a review of each participant (piss take) For some reason we were “Captain Slow and Wonder Women”.
There was entertainment and awards. A great evening, so only getting back home left to do.
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