Hunmanby to Driffield. Overcast and threatening 70% rain. Let’s hope it is wrong.
Last night we stayed in a room that was at the top of a spiral staircase. It was interesting, to say the least, getting the bags and ourselves down them this morning. Fortunately the hotel had taken our, over packed, bags up for us yesterday, so we did not have that challenge at the end of the day.
Today the route follows the coast for the first part of the day. At 11:00 am we found a cafe open for a coffee, Hurrah!
We cycle on to Bridlington but it was too early for us to take advantage of the places that were open, but the views of the sea were great.
Having left Bridlington we went through some villages none of which had an open cafe or pub. Eventually we decided to stop in the sun on a traffic free road side to eat the apples purchased from the Coop last night and the biscuits from the hotel room.
While sitting in our picnic spot I could see some very dark clouds ahead so I consulted my weather app. I could see thunder and lightning over Driffield, our destination, in an hours time, so off we set. In the brochure we should have been stopping at 33 miles in Driffield so thought we would beat the rain. However, as we arrived in Driffield the heavens opened and we managed to dodge under cover, getting only slightly wet. While sheltering I looked at the Garmin which was showing the route continuing out of Driffield. I then consulted the bit of paper I had been given on day one. This said on day five, because of lack of accommodation, it was no longer 33 miles and in Driffield, but 45 miles and in the middle of nowhere. There must be a morale to this story, on top of which my compatriot was not happy, so I kept in front of her just out of earshot.
The extra distance did help dry us out, and the accommodation was worth the wait with a four poster bed and features rescued from an old chapel. The bar and restaurant did not disappoint, and fish & chips on a bench last night were things of the past.
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