Day two Cycling Bathtime

The hotel is excellent and after a good breakfast we prepare ourselves for cycling to Bristol and back. The only inconvenience with the hotel is that two of us have rooms on the top floor. The hotel organiser Dave for some reason, has managed to secure a room on the ground floor. We hope the extra walk doesn’t cramp our style.

Anyway, my compatriot and I being seasoned travellers, took everything down to breakfast and sat in the garden to wait for the others. On arriving out of breath in the garden Sally realised she had left her cycling helmet in the bedroom on the top floor so set off back up the 10 flights of stairs.

After extracting our bikes from the hotel garden we set off for Bristol. We had to overcome a navigational challenge to get out of Bath and find our way onto the riverside cycleway, and thenĀ onto the disused Bath to Bristol railway for our ride to Bristol. We stopped at a conveniently placed old railway station for coffee where after trying several tables we sat in a disused railway carriage so that Annette could hide from wasps.

Refreshed we continue onto Bristol, following the short section with a heritage railway alongside and then back on the disused railway right into Bristol, and headed into a cycling cafe at Temple Meads Station. You may by now be seeing a trend.

After refreshmants in the cafe we headed for the floating dock but endure the usual city issue of loosing the cycleway. After walking across several large road junctions we eventually arrived at the floating dock via a footpath.

Two of us guarded the bikes and the others walked around Bristol visiting the cathedral which had an exhibition about the moon.

After sightseeing we headed back through Bristol on the official the cycleway. All was looking good until we arrived at a recycling plant and an unofficial traveller camp. We navigated out of this area and eventually arrive back on the disused railway cycleway heading back towards Bath.

On the way back we found another old railway station that sold cream teas. I have no idea why we don’t loose weight on these rides with all this exercise.

The weather forecast had said rain from lunchtime. When we approach Bath we could see it had rained and felt very lucky to have missed it. Unfortunately we lost the cycle way signs and could not find Pultney bridge, near the location of our hotel. Being a man I refused to ask for directions so I took my compatriots on a couple of circuits of Bath before asking Google. During this delay the heavens opened and we all arrived back at the hotel very wet.

Once dried off we met back in the local pub followed by a meal at the Ivy Restaurant. We know how to live.