Today we set off from the hotel following our Tulip Route Book which looks like this.

The weather is fantastic with blue skies and sunshine ensuring we had great views. We travelled across the dales and moors and stopped for a coffee, only to find we were at the entrance to Stump Cross Caverns.

After a coffee to settle my nerves we decided to visit the caverns with 10 other Jobbers who had also stopped on route.

The owner of said caves was living, for a week, underground as a publicity stunt complete with double bed and portapottie. She was being interviewed by the BBC, with my compatriot asking questions.

From the caverns we went to a pub for lunch and a walk to the waterfalls located in gardens behind it. This is where Kevin Costner took a shower in the film Robin Hood.

I used the pub wifi to take part in a business Zoom meeting while sitting in the car park. From here it was up on to the Butter Tub pass with its stunning views.

The second part of the day involved a 70 mile drive back to the hotel through villages and around undulating lanes. Our day was very varied with several questions to be answered via WhatsApp to prove you had followed the route.
Tonight is the Auction which takes place after the dinner and wine. It is amazing it raised over £6k. The scores for the first tests were in and my compatriot was in front of all the non starters.
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