Cycling the Camino Way Day 0

Droitwich Spa to Gatwick.

This trip was planned for Covid year. It was intended to be a self organised event, however, several years older, a little heavier, and with the uncertain Covid restrictions, we have decided to go on an organised trip.

We leave tomorrow on a very inconvenient 06:20 flight from Gatwick. This requires leaving home around 1am to arrive at airport around 03:30. It is the only flight from the UK to Santiago de Compostela, so we have no choice.

My compatriot is still trying to remember how little you can survive on, and what casual cycling atire is required for these trips, so we have several goes at packing the bags, and cries of what are you packing?.

We set off to the Eagle & Sun for dinner at 3pm with the hope of tricking the body into going to sleep around 6pm and getting up at midnight.

It did not work so we hit the motorway at 1am bleary eyed. What will tomorrow bring?