Cycling the Camino Way Day 7

Palas de Rei to Santiago de Compostela.

We have an early start for the last long day cycling to our final destination Santiago de Compostela. This is another off road section of the Camino Way. My compatriot is not enjoying the steep up and down hill on gravel after seeing someone come off their bike yesterday. Walking up and down these sections is slowing the group down, so once we reach a road we let everyone go on and wait for the van to jump us in front. We wait by a pilgrim which is hardly a landmark on this trip in the hope the van driver recognises the description.

Once in the van we are transported with our injured participant to the lunch stop, and afterwards to the top of the steepest hill. From here, we get back on our bikes, to complete our pilgrimage to the Compostela Santiago.  Two participants who unlike me have cycled all the way, have lost thier pilgrim passports. My good deed for today was to donate mine to them so they have a record of the trip, and can get a certificate.

Two Sue’s who conveniently dress in pink.

We arrive at the Compostela Santiago and take photographs, individual, partners, and then co-opt an unsuspecting tourist for one as a group.

We then have to cycle back uphill to the hotel. Enroute my gears jam and as I am unable to free them I end up carrying  the bike for the remainder of the journey. If I had been a Viking I might well have set light to it on the street corner.

After a shower and packing for tomorrow’s journey home, we head into town. It is a very interesting place and would be worth another visit, but not via Gatwick! We visit the Compostela which is impressive. So much so my compatriot stays for mass. As I have no sins to repent I sit outside with a beer while I wait for her to appear cleansed and more righteous.

Final group meal this evening with the ritual presentation of tips, goodbyes, and promises to keep in touch, never to be fulfilled.

The end