Chartres – Illiers-Combray 20 miles plus 3 I awoke in the night to the sound of heavy rain. I go back to sleep hoping that perhaps it will pass over by morning. I wake up in the morning and the rain is still there. I looked at the BBC weather and the report is that […]
Month: August 2019
Cycling Day 10 Where should we go?
Rambouillet – Chartres 33 miles plus 5 We start with a walk down the cobbled high street of Rambouillet to the supermarket and visit a cafe for breakfast. Garmin is refusing to calculate the route this morning so he is switched off as the signage appears to be quite good and takes us through the […]
Cycling Day 9 Planning is everything.
Limours – Rambouillet 20 miles plus 7. It has been dry overnight and today’s weather forecast shows no sign of rain after 9am. The mileage on some of our days is shorter than on others which allows us time to look around the various places of interest. I would like to say this was all […]
Cycling Day 8 On the road again.
Paris – Limours 23 Miles Plus 4 Today we set off on the Veloscenic cycle route towards Mont St Michelle. We have to navigate out of Paris with its one way systems, diversions and weekday traffic. For those worried about real maps I have a book on the Veloscenic route, with maps, places of interest […]
Cycling Day 7 On the buses.
Paris – Rest / Sight seeing day. 0 miles. Our bikes rested overnight in the hotels atriam outside our bedroom. On arrival despite the perfect English email with acknowledgment of us having to store two bikes, it turns out no one thought to tell reception where that might be. They do provide a talking point […]
Cycling Day 6 Sacred intervention.
Villennes-sur-Seine – Notre-Dame Paris 27 miles plus 5 The day started uneventfully. We declined breakfast at the hotel with the intention of finding a cafe on route. We decided not to try and find ‘The’ Avenue Vert but follow the Garmin. The French bureaucrat who uploaded this Garmin route obviously knew Paris well as the […]
Cycling Day 5 It’s all forgotten in the morning.
La Houssoye – Villennes-sur-Seine 40 miles plus 4. When we returned to the room last night mine hosts had left a bottle of wine produced from their own vineyard on the door step. This was a lovely gesture and we have stored the gift in Ed’s pannier. ( Ed want’s to reduce weight by drinking […]
Cycling Day 4 The longest day.
Neufchatel en bray – la Houssoye. 43 miles plus 10. As long as there are no deviations, today should be our furthest day. I did witness various magic creams being applied before we set off, no doubt in anticipation of the expected 40 plus miles. However, I should probably not mention this, but of course […]
Cycling Day 3 Espionage a foot.
Quiberville -Dieppe – Neufchatel en bray 35 miles. Today we complete the last section of the coastal cycleway called veĺo route du littoral along the coast to Dieppe and then turn towards Paris on the Avenue Vert. I did this part of the ride with the Dynosorearse group several years ago and was impressed with […]
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