Author: Edward Helps

QM2 Cruise Day 6

We used the alarm today because we have a couple of early presentations we would like to listen to. The first is on Namibi, which is where we next stop. The second presentation, attended just by Ed, is a talk by the Captain on the operation of the ship. While this was on Sue, went […]

QM2 Cruise Day 5

We awoke to our alarm and found we had already docked in Tenerife. After breakfast (we are up early enough this morning), we headed for the gangway, off the ship. We disembark and walk a kilometre through the docks to the port of Santa Cruz. While there were a number of shuttle buses laid on […]

QM2 Cruise Day 4

Late starts are now becoming the norm. The rocking of the ship obviously aids sleep. We are now heading directly for the Canary Islands, where we are due to arrive tomorrow morning. The sun is out, and it’s getting warmer. Our first experience today is when we attend the Captains Interdenominational Merchant Navy church service. […]

QM2 Cruise Day 3

Heading out of the Bay of Biscay, round Spain, and down the Portuguese coast in not an unpleasant sea which had clearly rocked us asleep, although the captain did make an announcement that passengers should use the handrails. A later start to the day, so we missed breakfast in the main restaurant and had to […]

QM2 Cruise Day 2

The cabin is very comfortable and we awoke at 08:30 or it might have been 09:30 depending on whether we looked at our phones on European time or watches on UK time. After a wander around, we found the main breakfast restaurant with 2 minutes to spare before they closed. Now we know we are […]

QM2 Cruise Southampton to Cape Town Day1

Alan, our newly found taxi driver, collected us promptly at 9.30 a.m. and drove us without any hitches to Southampton. We were impressed with the smooth queuing system where we were ushered through the various checks before we  got on board. The queueing was soon forgotten with a drink and bar meal in the Golden […]

DAY 15. The longest day.

Along with most of the other jobbers we have a five thirty start and a six thirty breakfast. We have a drive of 350 Miles to get to the eurotunnel by three pm or earlier for check-in. We have been sympathetically driving our little car at no more than 3,000 rpm, which is around 65 […]

Day 14. Over the Alps

The Italian Job officially finished last night and we now have to head home. We are breaking the journey in Dijon along with a number of other Jobbers. The journey was a long slog on the motorways but with great views of the mountains.We paid the 52 euros to traverse through the Frejus Tunnel, which […]

Day 13. Police!

Today was a late start, which gave us a free morning. It’s not my idea of a free morning when I’m being dragged around various shops by my compatriot looking for presents to take home. Anyway, I did it silently carrying various bags and buying refreshments. The saving grace was the shops were within the […]

Day 12 Asti or is it Cushsti?

We started earlier than needed this morning and slowly made our way to the lunchtime meet-up up in the hills of Piemonte. We again need to arrive at a finish line at exactly 12:38:30. On this occasion we think we smashed it, but we will see what the timekeeper thinks when the scores are posted. […]

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